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Dr Leanne Longfellow is an educational consultant and disability advocate. She is a former teacher of students with disability and spent many years as a special class, special school teacher and special education co-ordinator. After reflecting on her experience of parenting her daughter with disability, she is now a firm believer that inclusive settings benefit all students. Leanne works with teachers, assistants and parents to build their confidence and capacity in creating inclusive environments so that all students can learn together.

2 responses

  1. Does this mean there will be specialists on hand including speech and occupational therapists? I assume there would also be more “staff” given that some students will require 1:1 support.

    Peter O'Brien says:
    1. Hi Peter,

      My understanding is that the school is funded in the same way as other government schools in Victoria. Therefore, if students who require 1:1 (and this is rare and should only be for medical or extreme behavioural issues), then this would be applied for as part of the usual process. Assistants who hover over students with disability are reportedly hinder learning and create dependency -see the work of Peter Blatchford and Rob Webster for more information about this. Students who require specialist support may be able to access these via the NDIS. All staff who work onsite at the school need to work according with the inclusive framework of the school. I hope this answers your question.

      leanne says:

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